The finished painting will be the one that manages to combine the representation of a barely real space around the landscape to go to the border of abstraction. From this limit will perhaps arise the feeling of loss of spatial reference, or of vertigo, which is a way of bringing the spectator towards an internal movement where the void will be occupied by aesthetics.
The themes will focus on large "on-board" spaces, intimacy in portraits or interior scenes with tight focal lengths.
Multi-technica painter, I am interested in the question of the landscape in the simplest possible construction by enhancing color. Large spaces are focused on geographical edges such as coasts, caves, volcanoes, temporal edges such as dusk, dawn, in a search for capturing light and varying states of the water.
The eye will find a rest around these classic figures, to feel the wholeness of a landscape, inhabited or not. The gaze will rest on the horizon lines and the luminous halos.
It's up to you, artist, to propose these areas of rest and spirituality..
It's up to you, spectator, not to know where you are.
From this dance for two, we will be less alone.
We will then have the creation of a place where the marvelous is not excluded from reality.
"The first metaphor of the psyche is spatial. The 2 events that preside over human life remain unthought, birth and death. Life flows in this territory which begins and ends between these 2 events. Space is our primary metaphor. Because we are in the world in a solitude whose first refuge is space, maternal skin, smell, arms, basket, bedroom, this space will expand in concentric circles until it contemplates infinity. , the absolute space with a hollow, never seen in front of us, except in the mirror, our own silhouette."
Anne Dufourmantelle,In case of love
Born in Boulogne Billancourt-Paris in 1973 and multi-technical painter, I exercise a double activity of psychoanalyst in Strasbourg since 2003. Currently, I have recently developed an intense activity of production and active marketing through collective exhibitions nationally and internationally.
The main link between these 2 activities is the question of place, or to put it another way I ask the question "Where do we come from? La The proposal of the images therefore aims to make the spectators feel a so-called "archaic" experience in a maternal envelopment experienced as warm for someone, distressing and disturbing for others.
The position of the painter and the psychoanalyst being always unstable, it is therefore the eternal question of the origin which becomes the engine of all creation and pushes to seek repeatedly the setting of the first scene.
In reference to the great masters, I will take Turner, Zao Wu Ki, les American tonalists like Whistler, Inness and Shapiro.

Festival Fête des lumières, Saint Saturnin, 63
Art3F : Strasbourg, Bruxelles, Luxembourg, Mulhouse
Art 3 F : Paris, Strasbourg, Mulhouse
Galerie Wyrd, Strasbourg
Wissembourg en art
Salon d'automne Lunéville
Ciarus, 7 Rue Finkmatt, 67000 Strasbourg
November - December - 2020
Contact me
T: 00 33 (0) 6 28 06 77 37